Payment methods

ASLY happily offer Pay on Delivery it is a payment method that lets you pay with Cash or Card when your order arrives at your doorstep. It is simple, secure, convenient, and allows you to review and make sure you are happy with your order before you pay.

Note that you may not be able to pay on delivery if:


  • Your cart has a shipped from overseas item, virtual product, or an insurance item.
  • Your cart is below the minimum amount allowed to enjoy payment on delivery.
  • Your delivery option (some far regions, some specific pick-up stations) is not eligible for Pay On Delivery.
  • Payment on delivery is not allowed on your account, based on your past delivery experience.



  • We only accept Egyptian Pound.
  • Because our Delivery Agents do not handle petty cash, we would appreciate that you have the exact amount for payment.
  • Payment must be made before unsealing an electronic item such as a phone or laptop. Once the seal is broken the item can only be returned if it is damaged, counterfeit,defective or has missing parts. If you change your mind, an unsealed item can no longer be returned.